The Israeli Ju Jitsu and Kobudo organization established in 2000 by Shihan Ronen Eliyahu, head of the Ju Jitsu organization in Israel and head examiner. The organization aspire to create mechanism and standards similar in all the clubs related to it, support and provide a uniformed training framework to the teachers and students. Shihan Ronen Eliyahu, the head teacher of the organization, with a red-white belt, 5th dan, a member and an official representative of the international Ju Jitsu association KELEMEN RYU headed by soke istevan kelemen 9th dan from hungary. Shihan Ronen Eliyahu was certified by KELEMEN RYU to examine and give international black belts. The Israeli organization is the home for everyone who wants to practice social sport activity, as such, the organization initiate social sports with events other Ju Jitsu and different martial arts, in Israel and abroad, events like championships, seminars, training camps etc…